His discoveries on oscillating electric circuits lead him to create useful instruments in the medical field (the multiple wavelength oscillator), and in 1924 he entered the Salpetrière hospital with his tumor care equipment .

Not only he explained these phenomena with a language understandable to everyone, but left a legacy of scientific formulas, highly appealing to the scholars in this field. His proverbial dogmaticity and its clarity of insights, stimulate the mind of neophyte to practical applications, personal checks, and the search for a harmony with Nature.
Such researches are aimed at the prevention of incessant pollutions, increasingly insidious to humanity..
Cellular oscillation
We, who are his admirers, are fascinated by his experience in cells research, their oscillation, composition and functioning. His 400-page masterpiece titled "The Cellular Oscillation" illuminates us in this regard. Since the early 1900s, Lakhovsky argued that it is just from the cell's vibration and its good functioning, that can be deduced the good health of the human body. In fact, it is unfortunately confirmed that,, due to an incorrect cellular oscillation, degeneration and tumor formations are produced. Curious, but significant, it is the name he coined to define the effects of the universe: "Universion", that became the title of a book in which he explains how the electrical and magnetic phenomena are a vehicle of waves and propagation of the same.
Furthermore, he describes how light and heat are manifested, and what are the relationships between inter-astral waves, relativity, waves of thought, and life itself. All this allows us to come to the very concept of God as a vibrational phenomenon linked to thought. We, vibrational researchers, especially in the field of Geobiology, have greatly appreciated Lakhovsky's observations on soil anomalies and cosmic radiation. In his text "The Earth and Us", in which it is anticipated what many researchers today confirm about the telluric irradiation, our Georges defines it “deadly” because of the health risk can be produced by it, often cause of tumor forms.
A worldwide success
Today's certainty is that he was endowed with an intuition with prophetic vision, due perhaps, to his confidence in Nature and his innate sixth sense and never lost. Among all these pleasurable events, however, we must regret an article on an Italian newspaper, namely "The People of Rome" dated 18 November 1942, where Georges Lakhovsky's death was announced by a mischievous journalist. He was one of the then most famous journalists, Dr. Giuseppe Dal Monte who did not want to bring our scientist on the bank of the defendants, only because he, in his opinion, with his pious lies he had distributed illusion, happiness and well-being to the whole world.
A judgment coming from a feeling of pity and not a condem, but unacceptable however, as it shows a profound ignorance of the matter or a bad interpretation of science by a well-respected journalist journalist. What he has written has been widely denied by posterity, and eminent scientists and researchers such as Prof. Giacomo D'Arsonval, Prof. Picard, Prof. Gosset and many others who have collaborated with Lakhovsky and proved to have had a great appreciation for him, as a person and as a scientist! Not only his insights were not illusory, but are still well-valued and applied. The true search that can save us is that of Nature, never in decay. This is demonstrated and confirmed by the growing interest of an increasing audience and by a progressive growth in research by lovers and naturist researchers of Lakhovsky books and work.
A precious heritage
We would like to see Lakhovsky work with the Salpêtrière doctors in Paris, in that experimental hospital where he could, thanks to his achievements (specially the Multiple Wavelength Oscillator he invented), treat patients with tumor forms , with positive results, also witnessed with photos. Although seeing him work is no longer possible, it is not right that the work of a life dedicated to the humanity should stop with his death. It is up to us to choose.
For us Lakhovsky has never stopped working, he still helps us through simple insights, and sometimes through sensitivities persons who give us informations to interpret and evaluate. What makes us enthusiastic about his intuitions is how they are exposed, with simplicity,and presented asphenomena reproducible technically; although in some cases, due to scientific ignorance, are still defined as esoteric phenomena,. For him the phenomenon of cellular degeneration was clear and the results of his therapies confirmed it then, and confirm it today.
His books demonstrate his technical ability in applying and respecting Nature, his humanity, clarity and the moral level of the scientist who always tries not to exceed the limits allowed, so that risks for human health never rise . Let us say, we see Lakhovsky still alive in his works, present with his spirit in our study, surely in our company, on this journey that continues in an endless search, which certainly has his mark. A question arises spontaneously: why today's medicine, so advanced but also still worried about tumor forms, has never taken into account Lakhovsky's research, and that with his methods were treated incurably diagnosed cases?
Gianfranco Galvani
Chief member of the Research Center
Georges Lakhovsky of Rimini